Hello everyone! As usual, i am making an eleventh hour appearnace for the A-Z event :). Z to me signifies a lot more than just the culmination of this wonderful potluck that has been going on at Nupur's place as a weekly tradition.....it signifies hopes and expectations of many more "Zaaykedaar (flavorful)" get togethers in the days to come :). So here's to one of my favorite events :).
Today, i just pair up the crunchy zucchinis with soft paneer to make one of my favorite dishes. Its simple and its quick! The dish takes inspiration from the traditional pairing of bottle gourd (Al) and paneer (Chaman) in Kashmiri cuisine (paging Anita!). But the preparation style, in this case, is very different.
So here it is:
Zucchini-paneer sabzi:
We need:
- 4 zucchinis (chopped into semi-lunar shape)
- 1 cup fresh paneer
- 1/4 tsp. jeera (cumin)
- 2 bunches spring onion (chopped)
- 1 small Roma tomato (optional, i added it for color)
- 1/2 tsp. amchoor/ squeeze of 1/2 lemon (if you like it tangy)
- Turmeric and red chilli powder (to taste)
- Salt to taste
- 1 tbsp. oil
Chop the zucchinis in semi-lunar shape (for variation, try 2" long pieces) and set aside. In a pan, heat oil and splutter the cumin. Fry the chopped spring onions and add the paneer and stir till the paneer is toasted a bit (if you are using fried/grilled paneer cubes, then proceed to the next step). Add the zucchinis and stir fry them on high heat till a lil' crisp. Now stir in the tomatoes, add the turmeric, red chilli powder, amchoor and salt.

Variations: Instead of jeera, use any other seeds like coriander or kalonji/nigella or fresh methi leaves as a flavoring agent.
More fun with zucchinis here and here.
amchoor in the stir fry... nice addition... and love the look of that dish musie, and the semi-lunar shape too... spoken like a true scientist... not half-moon, but semi-lunar... ;)
For you to know all these pairings you must have been adopted by your Kashmiri friend's family for some length of time at least!
Fab pairing, looking very good. I wish I could get some good zucchini at this time...actually I should if there is tori available. Must speak with my local Mother Dairy chap and whine a little...
Thanks, dear :). He he, i noticd that too, the semi-lunar thingy ;). now i can't stop laughing :-D.
Hey, just casual foodie conversations are enough :). I mostly end up talking to my friends about food ;). If not zucchini, then try with toris or tindoras, the latter especially would make very crunchy sabzi. While you do the talking with the Mother dairy fellow, i request you to post some more Kashmiri recipes :-D.
oooh yum, this looks so tasty, I have bookmarked! thanks for sharing
hey, subzi te' zaaykedar e :) spring onion must bring out such a nice flavor, ki kanneo ajwain paakey vekkha? i was thinking it will make a good s/w & there i see u mention it :) YUM
Thank you to, dear! i hope you'll love this!
Haanji, ajwain da idea vi changa e. i will try it instead of jeera next time. But good spring onions are strong enough to hold taste-look for ones with slightly round bulbs. He he, we are on the same wavelength wrt sandwiches :-D.
Excellent Z entry.Easy and yummy!:))
I have surplus of plum tomatoes ,will try.I made Zucchini Adai!:)
With three zucchini recipes blogged so far, you re a proven z.fan :)) I did not expect this much when u dropped a comment in my Z.post few months back saying u crave for some more z's after enjoying a z dish :D
Than you :). I saw your zucchini adai in the roundup, what a neat idea!
Wow! you still remember that!! than you, dear-i do love zucchinis :).
Semi-lunar shape!!! Were you thinking of work, Musical?
Probably i was dreaming :-D.
This is so interesting: I never imagined the pairing of zucchini and paneer somehow. I've got to try this, just looks so tasty and juicy. In your hands, simple ingredients just leap to new heights!
i've got so many crookneck squash, that if i don't cook them soon, they'll get spoilt. this sounds like a good idea.
wow another excellent combo! looks as ever delicious!
Hey, thanks.....that was a really huge compliment.
We must get together and plead with Anita to post the Kashmiri recipe, that one is even yummier!
Best wishes for the new beginnings, dear :)
You got many a crookneck squash, try this (and send some squash over, plzzzzzzzzzz.) :-D.
Thans you, dear. The best thing here is that the taste of zucchini comes out well :).
that sounds like a delicious subzi, what is roma tomato? never heard of that. lovely combination.
Thank you, dear :). Roma tomato is a smaller, oval looking firmer variety of tomatoes. I used the term to indicate how much tomato to use and how firm.
Enjoy :).
Zabardast entry !!!
Hi Musical,
I got here thro' ur comment on my blog.Thanks for visiting!
Zucchini & paneer.... sounds like a great combo. I have never tried using paneer with zucchini.
You have so many good recipes here!. I have to come back later for more;-)
Thanks, dear :). You always have these cute punchlines :-D.
Welcome to my corner and thanks for visiting me here :). That visit to your blog, and i am a fan! really, i love the food there! Its like you have all my favorite eats!
That the most unusual combination I have seen... though I have eaten the kashmiri version of doodhi + paneer and loved it! Thanks for the nudge... now I am gonna try your version of it! :)
That the most unusual combination I have seen... though I have eaten the kashmiri version of doodhi + paneer and loved it! Thanks for the nudge... now I am gonna try your version of it! :)
Hey Coffee:
Isn't the doodhi-paneer amazing! Do try it! Hope you'll like it too :).
I havent really ever used zucchini in any Indian cooking! Looks delicious!
Thanks! Do try zucchini the desi way, it goes really well with all the spice :-D.
This is looking great....Lovely recipe...Lookig delish....
Thanks a lot :).
I made this tonight - with a fuzzy melon I had around (they are like opo squash, but fuzzy). Frankly, I made it because it was fast and I was getting home late. I wasn't expecting so much - just a quick, healthy bite. But BOY was I proved wrong. This was lovely. The amchoor was a nice touch. It will certainly become a staple in my kitchen. And I even have some leftover for sandwiches tomorrow. Yum...Thanks for the great recipe!
Hey Diane,
Welcome to my corner, and thank you so much for trying it out:). its really very touching when someone actually tries these recipes and lovingly gets back to tell me that they enjoyed it. oh, and thanks for the fuzzy melon idea, will try it with those next time :).
I too am an ardent fan of zucchini...your dish looks great...thanks.
Hey Sunita,
Thank you too :). Enjoy!
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada.If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).
Had to tell you this. Hubby being the "khichdi" man of the house ;-) I asked him to make one with brown rice today. He said he didn't know how it would be with brown rice and so I said search the blogs.
He chanced upon yours and he tells me there is one Scientist Girl who blogs, I am going to try her way. I said which blog and he says "Don't know, but some Punju and Scientist". And then I see its from yours :). He had great faith in you recipe because you are a scientist !!!!
The khichdi turned out yum, but the guy threw in some of his additions adhering to the Bong Culture. Shall post for JFI
Now, that was wonderful story ;)
am glad Jija shri thinks that scientists can cook :-D usually people have a totally opposite view ;).
Scientist girl, Punju, i just can't stop laughing, yaar! too good :-D.
and am really glad you both liked the khichdi!
musy... never had zuchini with paneer, must be similar to the baingan paneer combo... i love the last picture.. yum... and i also love the mirchi pudina cheese parantha... looks amazing... mirchi and pudina are new aditions to my cheese one... and what are black beans? we dont get them here...
Hello Rachna:
So good to see you! try teh zucchini paneer combo, it turns out quite good. As for black beans, they are (in the US)-a part of Mexcican cuisine, but back home only Kashmiri cuisine uses them. You can replace them with red lobia or fava beans and try this recipe. am glad you enjoyed these recipes :).
Lovely dish Musical. Neat and simple recipe. Viji
Hey Viji,
Thanks a lot :).
Wow, I should say that this is an uusual combination of zucchini, paneer and amchur I came across.
Hey Suma:
I agree, it is a bit unusual :-D.
I come to congratulate you with your work, very good, and to desire good vacations to you
the zucchini paneer looks fab musical. I'm going to try it with kalonji!
great idea to mix zucchini and paneer.. my first in ur blog.. really loved the variety..
blogrolling you..
yes...alll the way i was right! u come with very unusal ingredients and have guts to combine zuccini with paneer and cook this way:) now i am 100% sure that u r scientist;) all the doubts i had before just vanished in thin air;) he he he....
sorry darling, couldn't come b4 n check ur blog. been busy with work and feels like i am walking on a thin rope:( hugs to u:)
Do try it-Kalonji really goes well with this dish.
Welcome to my corner, dear :). and thanks for blogrolling, will check out your blog too.
Nice to see you, dear. Did you read Sandeepa's comment-if not, you should. he he, i am imagining a scientific sabzi ;).
i know that "walking on thin rope" feeling.....just one moment at a time, and everything will be good :).
LOL...just checked san's comment... see thats the advantage of being a sceintist;) noone will ever trust a techie girl;( he he he...
came here to wish u a very happy I-day sweetheart:)
Hey Sia:
Happy Independence day to you too, sweetie :). Aren't techies scientists too ;).
he he he...yeah in some way we r ;)
by the way, i have got something special for u @my place. come n collect it when u get time:)
Hey Sia:
Thanks a lot, dear :).
I never had Zuchchini till now...but ur dish looks very tempting dear :-)
Hey Sirisha,
Welcome to my corner and thanks for your warm words :).
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